Saturday, February 19, 2011


Well a lot has been going on over at 40 M!  Even with the sash problems with the windows we have completed the installation upstairs.  The last glass to go in upstairs is the huge sliding glass door.  That is planned for next weekend.  The septic is in place.  It remains uncovered until the plumber connects the pipe in the basement.  He begins on Monday.  The electrician will be all set to start work on Monday as well.  R will be over there with J finishing up securing of the kitchen windows and wrapping the house with the black felt paper.

We went over to check out the windows late this afternoon and I am utterly amazed at how they came out and how they transform the house.

Window to the far left is in the master bedroom.  The next window is the bathroom window
and the final window is the kitchen window that will be over the sink. 

Here you get a good view of the kitchen window.  It is a single casement window.
It really brightens up that part of the kitchen.

Looking into the bathroom.  The window is directly across from the door and
it is high enough and small enough to ensure a level of privacy.

These are the windows on the far end of the master bedroom.
They are closest to the street. 

These are the money shot windows.  Situated on the ocean side of the master
these windows frame a beautiful ocean view.  I can imagine waking up to the sunrise.  

Another shot of the windows on the ocean side of the house. 

Here I am trying to give a better look at the view. 
Straight on look at the east side of the master.
Can you see the ocean?  In person the view is better.

Yet another perspective.  The plastic on the glass limits the quality of these pics.

More perspective on the view.
Master from the outside. 

So this is the view that the master windows frame!

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